Friday, January 21, 2011

Os Guinness on vocation

Os Guinness, who incidentally is related to the makers of the Irish Stout,  is a speaker and author that has been influential to my thinking.  In a lecture that I listened to (but cannot remember where, though I suspect it was on a White Horse Inn podcast) Os Guinness spoke at length about the Christian sense of vocation, or calling.  He was asked, in light of all that he had said, how he recommends parents help their children discover their vocation.

He said,

“I would give them a strong sense of calling, a powerful sense of history, and good analysis of where we are now, and tell them to pray and seek God to know what their part in all of this is.”

  1. Calling
  2. History
  3. Analysis of current status of the cosmos
  4. Pray
  5. Seek God
  6. Get started
Got it.

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