Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First (and Second) Cafe655 Blog Offering

So, some bloggers offer high-end SLR cameras or books that they have written as either an inducement or a recompense for some desired action on their blogs. (If anyone ever offers the 20-volume set of the Oxford English Dictionary as a reward on their blog, I am so going to try and get it, (almost) whatever it takes.)

I don't have any spare Canon Rebels hanging around, nor any books with "David Clark" on the spine or Copyright page (yet), or any OED 20-volume sets (and I wouldn't give it to you if I did have it). But:  I do have some green coffee beans, and a Gene Cafe coffee roaster on my workbench.


Here  is my first offering:

I have a Forum on this blog, (found in the row of buttons under the blog title) and my hope is that it will be used as a platform for responding to the things that I post on this blog.  An appropriate response can take a number of forms: disagreement with corresponding reasons, agreement with additional thoughts, posting something new that harmonizes with/or highlights by disagreeing with something that I have posted or written.

It is not a platform for Facebook-like status updates.  It is a place for discussion and dialogue.


From now (2 March 2011) until end-of-day 9 March 2011, I will be watching the Forum Page.  Whoever posts the most thought-provoking* response to one of my posts will be hand-delivered (if local, to me) or shipped 1/2# of freshly roasted coffee.

(* "the most thought-provoking" is based on my own subjective response to the post.  If there is only one post to the forum...that will de facto be the most hope to see (read) you there.)

My Second Offering is along the same lines...but is more corporate in nature:

The first person that writes a Forum Post (in any time frame...not limited to the next week) that generates additional discussion (from someone besides me) will also cause me to go and roast 1/2# of coffee and get that delivered to the person who started that discussion.

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