Tuesday, March 1, 2011


It has been one year since the adoption was final, and about four years since we started fostering our not-so-little-anymore "TruffleBaby"

"Truffle Baby is what’s for dinner" 

As I drive home from work I begin to think
Of the delicious food I’m about to eat
Whatever she makes me will sure be a treat
I think of my wife standing at the sink
Or perhaps at the oven
Watching a dozen
Dinner rolls turning golden brown
It makes me wonder what’s for dinner
With her yummy cooking I’ll not get thinner
As I walk in the door of our little home
My sniffing nose begins to roam
Following the smell of something well done
I look in the kitchen…oops this doesn’t look fun
My wife’s at the oven, her rolls are now black
There are tears on her face, and a shaking back
“I forgot I was cooking, over-slept my nap”
“Don’t worry honey, we’ll find us a snack”
I look around for something to snack on
And there on the floor he catches my eye
It’s our Little Boy Brown,
Looking plump and so round
“I have the answer, though we’ll get no thinner!
When Truffle baby is what’s for dinner!”
So we eat and we eat, he is ever so yummy
He laughs and he giggles as we chew on his tummy.
After a while I’ve widened my girth
My pants fit tighter than they did at the first
But I ask my wife what’s for dessert
‘Cause still I am hungry
So she looks in the pantry
But finds nothing sweet
There are no cookies, no ice cream
Nor cakes…not a slice
And then our baby let’s out a sweet sigh
And suddenly we know what to eat for dessert, it’s
Chocolate Truffle Baby Pie!!!!
We cry with delight
“You’re what’s for dessert!
We nibble his toes
And kiss his sweet cheeks
We gnaw on his tummy
There’s nothing so yummy
His ears and his fingers, they’re all up for grabs
We eat and we eat and we eat while he laughs
We eat ‘til we’re full, and then there’s a lull
I’ve also found that he’s very nutritious
All organic, 100% natural
Just a few more nibbles because he’s delicious
As a part of this dinner, he sure is a winner
If we don’t stop snacking we sure won’t get thinner
But who wants to be thinner anyway
When Truffle Baby is here to play?
Clark, David.  From "My Writing" Folder. Accessed 21 February 2011.


Anonymous said...

Wow, he sure is growing up quick! What a blessing


Dayna said...

Love! Love! Love!